Wednesday 14 August 2013

Your opinion: What unit would you like?

There has been a lot of leaks with new Space Marines units and so far they look really good, but no one is always 100% happy and there is always a "but". In my case, Siceralc and Crazy were making fun of me because, as a Space Marine player I was complaining all the time that all the tactical squads should swap their rapid fire weapon for assault weapon so they could shoot and charge in the same turn. 

Also, and this one might sound stupid, I wanted pistols for my Assault Terminators with Storm Shields and thunder hammers cause every time I deep strike, is never were I want, and it's a waste of a turn just been sitting there waiting to be slay by all the fire power of the enemy(I know it's unreasonable, but dreaming is free...just a pistol...).
But the thing that I wanted the most and I always missed, was a good close combat unit. I don't know if Black Templars units are going to cover that role, but I always missed in my Spaces Marines army something like Harlequins, Wyches or Bloodletters (this ones are my favorites). I mean, maybe "Cucu Scouts" that got crazy during training and got in berserks mode...I don't know, I guess that's why I don't work developing 

So we would like to know your opinion about what unit or kind of unit would you like to have in your army. Changes that you would like in an existent one? Remodeling something? (I particularly hate terminators models but still love using them). 


  1. Well, aside from the fact that Assault 2 boltguns would be ridiculous, I like White Scars a lot.

  2. LOL. Oh Ruby. Why would assault terminators EVER need bolt pistols.

    1. Maybe you should just make lasguns S4 AP3 while you're at it.

    2. I hate you Just asking for a bolt pistol, not a plasma cannon!

  3. I think Lysander should get an armourbane and fleshbane, assault 10, AP1, ignores cover, distort weapon because he can't shoot anything at the moment. And it should only cost 10pts extra.

    Also, a AV16 transport to carry him would be handy...

    1. That's coming from the guy that said that WK should be T10 with 2+/3++ eternal warrior...

  4. I think inbuilt storm bolter like grey knights style for additional 5 points per model will be best for assault terminators and more dakka-weapon chooses for common termie...

  5. Actually you know what, I'd like lasguns to have an AP value again. AP6 would be fine with me, then at least they'd have a TINY bit of punch against other horde armies.

    Also if stormtroopers weren't 16 points a pop that'd be nice. And if ogryns weren't 40 points each. Minor points reductions could see both those units make a huge comeback.

  6. Ok serious note - Harlequins only have a 5+ save but cost 18pts each? Even a 4+ regular save would make them slightly less delicate.

    1. Get Harlies into combat though and they make up for that deficiency. So does their psychic power, which increases their lifespan significantly.

      Granted getting them there is an issue, but what can seriously stand against a full squad of Harlies in cc?

    2. Agree, they're awesome when they get into combat but you want to wipe the opposition out - something I've learnt from experience after failing 4 inv saves and watching my Harlequins fall to... cultists :(


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