Saturday 29 November 2014

Star Wars VII trailer and FFG

The nerd world has just exploded! If for whatever reason you have not seen the Star Wars Episode VII teaser trailer yet, then go and do it now!

I'm here to talk about X-Wing though. The game from Fantasy Flight Games has been taking Australia by storm, and the release of this trailer has sent a shock wave through the gaming community. Eyes that were previously stuck on GW or Magic are no lingering on the clampack YT-1300 sitting on the store shelves, and for good reason! 

On a quick not, I want to add that we will be hosting our third X-Wing tournament this coming Saturday here in Sydney, Australia. Our first event attracted 16 players, and at our second we got 19. This third one is looking to be pretty big! 

Fantasy Flight hasn't given much of an official release as to whether or not they will have their license renewed for episode VII, but I don't think that's a huge concern. There is no way that Disney would leave a licensing avenue out of the miniature gaming world. The CEO mentioned that "all is fine" (but wouldn't confirm anything officially - obviously). Furthermore, he did also say that they wanted to get all of their current plans for ships released before episode VII hits cinemas next year. So what will happen to the game? No one is sure yet, but the trailer did give us some clues.

Firstly, that there is still a Rebellion vs Empire feud going on. I'm not going to claim that I am an expanded universe expert, but I am pretty sure that 30 years later there is supposed to be a new republic going on. Not overly sure what that would mean for the game though? I was slightly concerned that they would have to re-haul the entire X-Wing system to make room for the new republic stuff (i.e no rebels). This does mean that they can at least keep the whole Rebellion theme going on!

Hilariously, when you watch the 2014 report by the FFG CEO, he makes the remark that they sometimes go to Disney with concept ideas for ships and get quite a big push back - meaning that they are likely to be sensitive to episode VII material......I just hope that they weren't the plans for an Imperial epic ship! I know the Rebellion has been spoiled by have TWO epic ships (I have both) so it would be great for the Imperials to get one before the new movie hits. Christmas special maybe?

Has anyone got any thoughts about the new movie?


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