Sunday 11 August 2013

Space Marine rumours: Rules round up.

I'm sure by now everyone has seen GW's newest most hated models.......the Centurions. However, what is rumoured to be there viability in game play? What else is coming in the codex? Let's find out:

All of this information comes from 40k Radio:

I wish I could label this post as "rules confirmed" and I'm pretty confident in the reliability of the source but until I physically see the book it will continue to be "rumours."

Via 40k Radio:

1. Centurion "devastator" come with Twin-Linked Heavy bolter and hurricane bolter for 60 pts. You can have up to 6 in a squad.

2. Legion of the Damned have flaming projectiles. All ranged attacks have ignore cover special rule.

3. Black templars are in the book. They can not take some selections but have access to Centurions, Thunderfires, and so on. They have special rules for Chapter Tactics.

4.Chapter Tactics for the following chapters: Ultramarines, White Scars, Imperial Fist, Salamanders, Iron Hands, and Raven Guard. They have two special rules per choice.


Centurions can be taken as Elites or Heavy.

Heavy support are the devastator option. They come with twin-linked Heavy bolters and Hurricane bolters. Hurricane can be upgraded to missile and HB upgraded to Twin- Las cannon or Grav-cannon and grav-amp.

Can upgrade to omniscope which gives night fight and split fire special rules.

They can select a Land Raider as a dedicated transport.
Special Rules: Slow and Purposeful, Decimator Protocols(Can fire up to two weapons in each shooting phase), Very Bulky, Chapter Tactics, and TSKNF.

Elites are the assault option. They come with Siege Drills at S9, twin-linked flamers and Ironclad assault launchers. They can upgrade flamers to meltas and assault launcher can be upgraded to hurricne bolters.

Can upgrade to omniscope which gives night fight and split fire special rules.

They can select a Land Raider as a dedicated transport.
Special Rules: Move through cover, Slow and Purposeful, Decimator Protocols(Can fire up to two weapons in each shooting phase), Very Bulky, Chapter Tactics, and TSKNF.


(Centurions) Two plus save no invul. Toughness and strength of five.


Also you can not deep strike the centurions.


Most things remained the same. Some units got cheaper vanguard, sternguard, honor guard, tactical marines and some special characters.


Same psychic disciplines and thunderfires are the same and same points.


Kantor is in.

Legion of the Damned are 25 points a model.


No Vows (Black Tenplars), just chapter tactics.


Grav are nasty against heavy armored troops. the roll to wound is based of the armor save. So shooting termies you would wound on a 2+ and all types are AP2.


Seems the boys over at 40k Radio have access to a pdf scan of the book. If anyone has access to this......please.....for the love of sanity forward a link to Anonymity is assured.  
I will keep this thread updated as more info comes along. If there is a landslide of additional rules then I will make another thread.



  1. Im most intrested in how grav weapons wound models with no save. However wounding guardians on 5+ is something i never thought id see!

    1. Maybe blanket 6+. Xenos ftw!

    2. Been wondering the same thing.

      Also, what kind of Str values do they have? Are they high enough to make them capable of hurting lighter units with some ease?
      Does the grav rule perhaps have some sort of "whatever is best" clause, for cases where rolling against armour save makes it worse?

    3. I think it wounds on the same number as the save. Eg 2+ save = wounds on 2+, 4+ save = wounds on 4+

    4. I'm more interested in what type of firing mode it will have. one shot? two? blast? 18" range?

    5. If it wounds on the save, it needs to cause instant death, be assault 2 or better to make it worthwhile. There's few instances where it would make any sense to take a grav gun over a plasma gun.

      Unless you are up against riptides, wraithlords/knights, talos/chronos, dreadknights, or tyrannofex, you will wound just as easily, if not better, with a plasma gun.

  2. First rank FIRE! Second rank FIRE!

  3. Black templar's have lost vows?

    Thats... depressing

    What are their chapter tactics? And Can they still not take/ally with Librarians?

    1. Unknown at the moment. Will post as info comes in.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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