Tuesday 13 August 2013

BREAKING: Space Marine New Rules #3 **UPDATED AGAIN**

More and more rules coming in. This is #3 post:

I've compiled everything into a nice list.
I've added in all the stuff in (brackets) to make things easier.

Via40k Radio:

The scouts went down 2 points and they can now take a Storm as a dedicated transport. They mostly stayed the same.


Tactical Marines are fourteen points each.


Raven guard get stealth and the ability to use their jump packs in the movement and assault phase.


IF get bolter drill and that allows them to re-roll any 1s, it does not work with sternguard special rounds. Also Devs and Centurion Devs get Tank Hunters special Rules with a +1 on damaging buildings.

Sallies get to re-roll any failed armor saves from flame based weapons, also with their flame weapons they get to re-roll any failed wounds or armor penetration that fail to cause a penetration or glancing hit. Also any character gets to master craft one weapon for free points.


Both weapons (Anti-Tank weapons on new AA tank) are S7. The Hunter is AP2 and has armorbane so it should handle most flyers out there. 

Vows are gone. BT come with Chapter Tactics just like all the other marine army. One allows you to re-roll to hits rolls and rending, when you're in challenges. The other one gives you Adamantium Will and Crusader. Also their ally matrix did not change.


The only way you get twin-meltas is if you take Vulkan


The crusader squads are cool because you can have up to two power weapons in the squad, if you take a Sword Brother. The Initiates are fourteen points and come with bolter, bolt pistol, frag, and krak. You may exchange the bolter for a ccw for the price of free.


There is new wargear for Chapter relics, 6 of them. 

Stalker has RoF 4 and the Hunter has RoF 1. 

You get the option to take 5 bikes as a troop if your captain has a bike, also your command squad can have bikes. 

 The Emperor Champion is and HQ choice and for his points will be a good character hunter. Those abilities no longer exist, they're just gone. The chapter Tactics they get are called "Accept any Challenge, No Matter what the Odds" and "Crusaders".  

(Emperors Champion) When in a challenge you get to re-roll your To Hit rolls and all attacks have rending. 


Q) Does special characters still add the USRs/special rules that they have in this codex to your army/squad? EX: Shrike and Infiltrate? Pedro and +1 Attack aura?

A) Yes some SC still have USR that boost their army.

Q) Is it finally possible to take jump packs for our command squads?

A) No, only bikes.

Q) Can you confirm/disprove the "special" Rhino variants that were rumoured? EX: Medical, Recovery, etc.

A)Those do not exist. That was wish listing.

Q) Could you shed some light on the UM special rules?

A)Ultra marines are a little lengthy but they choose the doctrines of Tactical, Assault, or Devstator. The Tactical detachment re-roll ones, unless they're tactical marines and they re-roll all failed to hit rolls in the shooting phase. The Assault detachment re-rolls charges, unless they're assault squads, bikes, attack bikes and they get fleet. The Devastator detachment get to re-rolls on snap shots and overwatch shots, unless they're Devastators and they gain relentless as long as they're not disembarking from a transport in the movement phase.

Q) Are there any special banners that can be taken? EX: Banner of Devastation from DA Codex, etc.

A)No, that is more wish listing. You can have the good old Chapter Banner.


(Sternguard) went down to 22 points.


(Emperors Champion) has an AP2 sword striking at initiative and if you add the BT Chapter Tactics be becomes a challenge machine. He also has 2+/4+.


(Emperors Champion) are only for BT armies.


Once per game Helbrecht can give Hatred and Fleet in the Assault phase. It only works on units with Chapter Tactics(Black Templars)


Bikes are 21 points.


Q) how big can a crusader squad be?
A)Up to 10 Initiates and up to 10 Neos.
Q) what USRs do Helbrecht and Grimaldus provide?
Grimaldus gives Zaelot

Q) what units are restricted to Templars?
A) Only librarians

Q) how do Castellans work?  
A)You pick either a SM captain, Chapter Master or Termie Captain.


1) (Emperors Champion has fighting stances. First one is +2 str and AP2) yes if you pick that stances, but counts as two-handed. the other stances gives you rending.
2)Yes he is always 2+/4+.


Q) can castellans/marshals take command squads
Yes they can take command squads, but they are just Captains now.

Q) can Helbrecht take an honor guard 
A)Yes because he is a Chapter Master

Q) what USRs and where in the Force Org chart are normal chaplains 
A)Chaplains are HQ and Zealot.

Q) which HQ choices actually take up a slot, and which ones don't 
A)Chapter Masters, Captains, Chaplians, and Librarians. BT can not take librarians.


Only major change to dedicated transports is the Storm moving there. 


(Devestators) went down. Close to Dark Angel book. 


No way to get 2 special (weapons).


(Grav Weapons) Solid shot and they have concussive.


 Dreads a basically the same.


All Ultra characters are in. (They are) Virtually the same. Calgar can take three Warlord traits and went up in points. He's a beast.


(Chaplains) Two wounds and two attacks (base).


(Lysander) Yes he still has Eternal Warriors.


If you play a successor chapter you will use the Chapter Tactics of the Founding Chapters. The codex covers a lot of the successor chapters.


(Is it possible for White Scars to run an all bike army) Yes but you have to take 2 captains so you can get two bike squads to be troops.  


(Honour Guard) They went down in points. That is their big change.


(Hunter Missle) S7 AP2 Armourbane.


(Vanguard vets) They are 19pts without jump pack and 22 points with jump pack. Heroic Intervention does not work the same as last codex. 


Shrike can only infiltrate with jump infantry.
Khan give scout to bikes and mounted troops. His bike does D3 Hammer of Wrath hits.


WS/BS 4 S/T 5 W2 I4 LD8/9 Sv 2+

First 3 cost 190 and 60pts for each. Squad can be 3-6 suits

(Centurions) The drills give a bonus attack to the assault version.


No Termie command squads. 


(Transport capacity) LR = 10, LRC = 16, and LRR = 12


(Lysander Chapter Tactics) Gives all units in 12" with Chapter Tactics (IF), re-roll on morale and pinning test.


Master of the forge is almost the same. He will get "It Will not Die" USR and a 1+ to Blessing of the Omnissiah from the IH Chapter Tactics.


Updating as I go.

Previous posts here:




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  1. Replies
    1. Since Grav Weapons are solid shot I wonder if they will be rapid fire...maybe become the new plasma gun.

    2. It would be an excellent place to put Salvo, giving them drawbacks, bust till really powerful.

  2. Liking it so far. Wonder how the BT are gonna work in the army...

  3. Oh well, I guess my white scars are going to stay ravenwing.

  4. any other IH info??? any IH special characters?

  5. wow, Chaos Space Marines got royally screwed over. So GW thinks ATSKNF is only worth one point?


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