Thursday 8 August 2013

Black Templars: Return to Codex Vanilla Marines?

So, Codex: Space Marines is all but confirmed for September. So the big question on many peoples minds is: Will Black Templars be roled into the main Codex Space Marines.

Many sources have preveously stated that the design team is not going to drop any Codexes, however a rumour from Bols, reposted here earlier got me thinking.

"Black Templars are back in the Codex SM, but seem to keep everything - Crusader squad is there, Neophytes too, Emperor's Champion as well.
Don't know about the vows, though.
The codex is *MASSIVE*- 176 pages, so almost twice as big as other books in this edition. Slightly more expensive, but seems like a good deal. Still FW books are cheaper (per page), but this book might be like the most flexible SM codex ever considering it covers the BT within its core rules (traits? Most likely)."

So, supposedly Black Templars are in the Codex but they retain everything they had preveously. The Codex is also meant to be almost double the size of all previous Codexes (Codicies?). It also is supposed to have several Chapter Traits
So my thought is that the book will have a section dedicated to the Codex Astartes (maybe 107pages, same as a normal Codex) including a 'Vanilla' army list. The remaining pages may be made up of sets of Chapter background and Chapter Traits( maybe even Chapter specific units, although I doubt it). There would be a section on Black Templars, with background rules and units. This would be like Codexes within a Codex

So what do you think? A return of Chapter Creation?


  1. I posted it on Warseer so it got to BoLS. Yep, back inside the volume, but so far except getting their sergeants (with a new name) in crusader squads and access to SM options (Sternguards) they seem the same.

    1. Thanks. Sounds good. Do you want me to change the source?

  2. Not important, but I am not sure if they (BoLS) got everything I wrote on warseer.

    1. Post a link to it and ill repost. Sorry ,warseer + my phone =mess

    2. Or email it to

    3. Ok. I got it all off of Warseer. Will send to Crazy to sort through. Time to sleep!


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