So the guys over at Titan Miniatures and OZ40k (an Independent GW Retailer) are doing an awesome painting commission giveaway which I think you should all check out. The head painter over at Titan Miniatures (and personal friend of CrAzY424 and I) has been doing some absolutely PHENOMENAL work and I know our regulars would definitely be impressed.
Up for grabs is:
- 2x 6 man Fire Warrior squads
- 2x Broadsides
- 1x Riptide
- 1x 3 Man Stealth Suit Team
All you'll have to do it win is share Titan Miniatures Facebook post and like both Titan Miniatures and OZ40k on Facebook, so get on it guys and gals!
Link to the Titan Miniatures Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TitanMiniatures?fref=photo. Check out his work guys! This dude is a painting legend!
Link to the OZ40k Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/OZ40K (an Independent GW Retailer)
Aaaaand finally a link to the post you need to share! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=669441279759769&set=a.638848002819097.1073741827.638829862820911&type=1&stream_ref=10
Good luck!
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