Thursday 31 October 2013

More Info and details about the Inquisition Codex!

More information about the codex:
Via Digital Editions:

There aren't any Grey Knights in the book, and it won't invalidate your current codex, but it will mean you can have inquisitors with any Imperial Army.

No new models, but plenty of new background, artwork and rules.
(you can have them in a Dark Angels army too, mysterious people in hoods will fit right in)


Digital Exclusive, at least at first.


How we love you Eddie.

- Out.   


  1. The real question is: are deathwatch in the book?

    Im thinking that unfortunatly their not

    1. I'm going to guess they aren't to.

    2. I'm going to guess they are. Readink Naftka the other day his source confirmed that "All 3 ordos" will be expanded upon.

    3. I hope so bro, I really do hope so.


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