Monday, 22 April 2013

Doubles list design

List design: Doubles mischief.

Today I want to talk about how Alasdair and I designed our lists for the doubles match that can be found here:

We designed our lists for an upcoming doubles tournament that we were determined to win. The last doubles that we attended was a disaster (although we did win best sports?) as we managed to come third last due to both of our forces not coherently working with each other. With another doubles tournament around the corner, we turned back to rethinking what we really needed to win.

Back to basics:

I urge you to check out this link on building competitive lists:

The 3++ team post a number of great tactical articles and are happy to help out a struggling gamer. Don't be afraid to use their chat-box to ask for advice.


What we need:

1. Points efficiency.

2. Backfield scoring.

3. Offensive scoring.

4. Anti-tank.

5. Anti-Infantry.

6. Anti monstrous creatures.

7. Anti Flyer.

Seems like a lot to fit in at 750 points each but both of our armies have excellent options to fill these roles:

Dark Eldar: Excellent anti-Infatry and MC weapons.

Imperial Guard: The ability to bring fliers, Anti-Tank and mass scoring models.

Here are the lists:

Imperial Guard

Company Command Squad: Astropath; Veteran Weapons Team (autocannon). 90

Guardsman Marbo 65

Platoon Command Squad: 4× flamer. 170

• Infantry Squad: +1 Sergeant; Heavy Weapons Team (autocannon).

• Infantry Squad: +1 Sergeant; Heavy Weapons Team (autocannon).

Platoon Command Squad: 4× flamer. 165

• Infantry Squad: +1 Sergeant; Heavy Weapons Team (autocannon).

• Infantry Squad: +1 Sergeant; Heavy Weapons Team (mortar).

1 Vendetta Gunship 130

1 Vendetta Gunship 130

750 points 

Dark Eldar

Haemonculus 50

3 Kabalite Trueborn: 2× splinter cannon. 131

• Venom: splinter cannon; night shields.

3 Kabalite Trueborn: 2× splinter cannon. 131

• Venom: splinter cannon; night shields.

3 Kabalite Trueborn: 2× splinter cannon. 131

• Venom: splinter cannon; night shields.

3 Wracks 105

• Venom: splinter cannon; night shields.

3 Wracks 30

Ravager: 3× disintegrator cannon; torment grenade launchers; night shields. 120

Aegis Defence Lines 50

748 points

Imperial Guard:

6 Twink Linked Lascannons.

4 Autocannons.

Astropath for 2+ reserves.


Backfield and offensive scoring.

8 Platoon command flamers.

The list is built around the age old tradition of hammer and anvil tactics. In this case, the guard form the anvil. The platoon command squads with flamers will share the role of the hammer alongside the Dark Eldar. The plan is to use them in the late game to flame enemy units off objectives or as a general support unit. The Autocannons and Vendettas are in the list as our primary anti-tank weapons alongside Marbo and his demo charge. Overall I believe the list is quite strong, the lack of orders from not having the PCS on the field will be a gamble but the defence line should provide enough protection for these guys.

Dark Eldar:
  72-84 Splinter Cannon shots.
·       9 Disentegrator Shots.

·       Aegis Line.

There really isn't much more to this list than that. The two wrack units and Haemonculus will most likely sit in the backfield far corner (there are no KP missions in the tournament). The venoms have Night Shields for added protection and the Ravager is there in case anyone decides to roll MEQ out of cover. The torment grenade launchers was a random addition, with 8 points left to spare on the list, it was a choice of that or Chain Snares/Shock prow. In the end we went for the torment launchers just in case that -1 Ld could be used to our advantage (with the added protection of having to pass a Ld test to assault it). Finally we both agreed that the guard would be better with an Aegis line which could also provide cover for my venoms (important to note that all my venoms have had their flying stands cut to about one inch).

Check List:

1. Points efficiency.

Overall we have covered all the bases of list building within the designated points limit.

2. Backfield scoring.

Four full guard squads plus the backup option of wracks.

3. Offensive scoring.

Two platoon command squads with flamers.

4. Anti-tank.

Autocannons and Vendettas.

5. Anti-Infantry.

Three splinterborn Venoms, a Venom and a Ravager.

6. Anti monstrous creatures.

Same as Anti-Infatry.

7. Anti Flyer.


Overall I would say we have done as much as we can with the points allocation. We are lacking melee troops but no matter, we are gambling on mass firepower to defend against that.

The tournament is this Saturday and we will be posting up a summary of the battles and some pictures of pivotal moments. 

Until next time.



  1. It's actually perfectly balanced. We suffered it on our own skin hahaha

  2. I agree, it's a really well balanced list. I find myself sitting on the bus trying to figure out how to kill those Venoms before losing my tanks to the Vendettas.


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