
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Tyranids Swarm kit

Nids are here. For a week everyone has been complaining about how lame and bad is the new codex, why did they get so nerfed...but I actually love it. I think it's challenging, as tyranids always had been. You will have to master the way to play them properly, been aware of your synapse connection at any time. My only complaint about the new codex was  the disappearance of so many unique independent characters. They could've just nerf them too...
But one of the things that actually surprised me was the new "battle force". Normally with every battle force you save a few dollars, but not much...with this one you save close to a 40%!! It gives you the basics to start your own army. Yeah, you're missing an HQ, but who cares?  You can use the Carnifex as Old One Eye, and there goes your HQ. If you get a Tervigon, you basically have a decent army already to start playing around with your new Nids. 
Hormagaunts and Termagaunts are 72$ for 20 models. 72x4=288$
Gargoyles are 48$
Carnifex is 83$
The total is 419$
GW is selling this kit for 265$! 
That's a huge saving. I think if you guys wanna start or add some more models to your Tyranid army, this is a great idea. After all, you never have enough gaunts in your army...


  1. It's awesomely refreshing to see some positive excitement for the new Tyranid codex! I'm right there with you! Thank you!

    1. Actually really excited about it. You give someone a codex that is not challenging like Eldar or Tau and start crying all over it. This just means funnier games as you have to work out the way to actually win. Harder to play? Yes. More challenging? Yes. I will write a post about it soon.

    2. Actually really excited about it. You give someone a codex that is not challenging like Eldar or Tau and start crying all over it. This just means funnier games as you have to work out the way to actually win. Harder to play? Yes. More challenging? Yes. I will write a post about it soon.

  2. HELL YES. None of this "We want 2+ MCs everywhere rerolling everything and rampaging Genestealers" nonsense. I think the problem with most of the complaints is down to two things: the old 3rd ed codex with it's great biomorph flexibility and the combos that the new Tau and Eldar books can provide.

    The those two factors out (Genestealers with flesh hooks? Not in the fluff mate...) and the book is quite alright and I look forward to getting my hands on a Haru-"I just Gulp!ed out your fisty Sarge and now you're gonna be tarpitted or dead"-spex and seeing how that works...

    And Rippers. I want to field loads of Rippers. I swear that deep striking them is the answer to getting your other 'Nids up the field quickly ;]
