
Friday, 11 October 2013

NSW 40k Masters Qualifier

N.S.W State Masters is almost upon us. Most of the spots have been taken, however, this Sunday is an invitation only tournament to determine a "Wild-Card" player for the championship. It is for the players that have played well throughout the year but haven't had the opportunity to come first at one of the major tournaments. Let's check it out.

Hosts: Good Games Town Hall - Sydney, Australia.
T/O. Jason - Sydney Hammer House.
4 Games - 1850 - 100% Battle.

TommyH and I will be participating for a spot at the this stage I can't actually make the event.....................awkward. However, I'm still going to attend the qualifier as it's a tournament in it's own right.

Here is the link to the participating lists:

Lots of Eldar......Lots......of Serpents...................................Lots.

Only one list has Grav guns and there is only one other WK at the tournie. Might be good for me?


My list:

Iyanden Eldar and Grey Knights - The "Monster Mash" or "The Usual Variety."

Spirit Seer

5x Dire Avengers
- wave serpent, scatter laser, catapult

5x Dire Avengers
- wave serpent, scatter laser, catapult

5x Dire Avengers
- wave serpent, scatter laser, catapult

5x Dire Avengers
- wave serpent, scatter laser, catapult

Wraith Knight
- dual wraith cannon

Wraith Knight
- dual wraith cannon

Wraith Knight
- dual wraith cannon


3x acolytes

- Boltguns

- personal teleporter

After tabling three opponents with my four serpent/three WK list at the last tournament, I thought why not just add in another MC! The DK is costly but it means I'll have four Jump MC's leaping about the place. Scoring is rubbish but I figure shoving a denying WK/DK onto enemy objectives is easier than taking them......maybe.


Tom's list:

Space Marines (Ultramarines) and Tau - Nicknamed "Come at me bro."


10x Tactical Marines
- Plasma Gun
- Rhino

5x Tactical Marines
- Plasma Gun
- Rhino

5x Tactical Marines
- Plasma Gun
- Rhino

5x Scouts
- Sniper Rifles

4x Devastator Centurions
- Grav-Cannons and Grav-Amps
- 4 Missile Launchers
- Sergeant with Omniscope

Thunderfire Cannon

Thunderfire Cannon

- Command Link Drone
- 2x MK2 Shield Drones

10x Kroot Warriors
- Hound
- Sniper Rounds

10x Kroot Warriors
- Hound

3x Broadsides
- Twin-Linked High-Yield Missile Pods
- Twin-Linked Smart Missile Systems
- Early Warning Overrides

Skyshield Landing Pad

It's deadly. Skypad gets landed straight in the middle of the board with infiltrating Shadowsun/Centurions (for offensive), or, if TommyH has more objectives on his side, plant it defensively with Tiggy, who, in his own right, makes it an insanely powerful unit. With re-rolls on powers, it is fairly easy to get Ignore Cover and/or Precognition from Divination. Tiggy sits out front......(if he has precognition) and just tanks a 2+ re-rollable cover save, or, just Look out Sirs onto drones. The output of the unit is devastating with Prescience and a high chance of Ignore cover. At least 90% of people have told him that it is a rubbish will find out the pain.  


Actually, funny thing is that a lot of people have told us that both of our lists are rubbish. What do you guys think?


  1. You cannot infiltrate shadowsun with centurions! Because of placement rules, you have to place first normal units and after all of them infiltrator are placed.
    IC can only join units without deployment, when they are in reserve or both have infiltrate rule.

    Only exeption is Captain Shrike, who can join an jumppack unit before deployment starts!

    1. Mate, while I completely agree about what you're saying, the Tournament FAQ is allowing th infiltrate move to occur!

  2. I think allowing ICs to give infiltrate to units is crazy rules bending. Good luck anyway.
