
Tuesday, 24 September 2013

40K WarZone Hobbyist

Here at 40k WarZone we don't claim to be artists or anything like that (3 Colours might be one.....some day) but, as much as we love playing, we also like painting our miniatures. That's why we decided to do a kind of competition with you guys, so we can also show your work and not just ours.

Every month starting the 1st of October, we will set up a month-long painting competition. As we are a blog specialized in GW models, it would be preferable for entries to come from one of the three systems, but other games models are welcome too for display.

After that post, you will have until the end of the month to paint a miniature and send us a picture to

Honesty is something that we would appreciate, as there are no cash prizes or anything like that. To try to keep it like that, we will require a picture of the model assembled and undercoated if you want, and another one with the model already painted and finished. That way we would know that you painted it recently (if someone wants to cheat, something like that is not gonna stop him/her, but once again, try to be honest guys). 

Once the time is finished we will create a post with all the entries that we receive, and YOU GUYS will be the ones to decide which ones are the best through your votes. 

After 7 days, votes will be close and we will announce the winners, giving points to all the participants according to their position. Finally, the winner will move into the hall of fame page so that their effort may never be forgotten.

Any ideas to improve it guys? As usual, all the ideas are welcome!


  1. Sounds fun!
    Can I start now or do I have to wait till oct 1st?

    1. The 1st I will be publishing the theme or topic for the first entry, You can take pictures already if you want, but it's just 2 days of wait...hehehe

  2. Haha go for it! If you have something in mind and want to get cracking be our guest. Entries are available right up until the end of October, so if you get to this post late, there may still be time!

    1. I take it we cant enter, as were bloggers.

    2. The opposite Cyphus. We kinda have to enter lol After all, we're not the only ones voting.

    3. Uh oh! Better get my painting better fast!!!
