
Monday, 15 July 2013

Destroyer Weapons: Have Your Say

So just something I've been thinking about while I crawl my way through Monday, the new Destroyer weapons rule has a small kink I think that needs to be discussed. As I'm hoping to be playing a game or two of the new Apocalypse I'd like to know what you think when it comes to this issue.

My question is this, do the wounds caused by the new Destroyer Weapon table carry over into a unit?

I think they do, following the wound allocation and wound pool rules from 6th Ed, however I can see why people would think otherwise. Is the wording clear enough to restrict the wounds to a single model? Or is it now possible to wipe out whole squads by hitting a single model and rolling well on the damage table?

What do you think?


  1. Correct me If I'm wrong but aren't D weapons Auto Wound, AP1, Ista Death and Ignore cover? Why is there even a roll on a table being used for infantry?

    1. They aren't actually. They ignore all saves, including cover, but they aren't Instant Death anymore, nor are they automatically AP1. The new book says to roll on the table for all non-vehicle models hit by Destroyer weapons.

    2. They do still auto-wound, auto-pen, but non-vehicle models can get away without a scratch on the roll of a 1 on the table.

  2. Apocalypse is too big for me. I would just got lost on the game...

    1. No you wouldn't! No FOC restrictions, just throw in as many units as you possibly can, you'll have a great time.... Provided you make sure the next 5-6 hours are free...

    2. Sounds like we all need to organise a Saturday then...

    3. I'm happy to. Got 6k points of guard waiting to play...

    4. The Xenos team doesn't have a Super Heavy..............................

    5. Sounds like a new FW order then :)

    6. They do! But yeah.... FW....
