
Sunday, 19 January 2014

Synapse and Escape Hatches.

Alright, so this needs some serious investigation. However, currently I'm in Germany so can't do it. I leave it up to the community to do some digging!

Alright, so first off, here is the situation:

Zoanthrope in a bastion with an escape hatch.

Q1: Do we measure synapse from the walls of the bastion? (Seems like a yes to me).

Q2. What counts as part of the fortification? Does the escape hatch count as a legitimate part of the fortification?

If yes to both questions....

Q3: Do we measure synapse range from the escape hatch because it is part of the fortification?

Gives some seriously decent and long ranged synapse control if legit. Especially since a Zoanthrope can sit in it, cast a Dominion in himself and have a huge 18" bubble range.

RAW, not RAI.

Have at it!


  1. Why on earth would the escape hatch count as part of the fortification - it is an upgrade. Or maybe you want it to measure from a void shield bubble?

    1. Is it not an access point? And an access point is technically part of the fortification.

    2. It is also counts as a valid attack point to shoot the building and assault the build.

  2. Whilst technically this might be legal, this is the sort of thing that annoys me about 40K. Everyone is always looking for a loophole! You know GW will never FAQ it so it comes down to whether your opponent will allow such shenanigans or, failing that, if a tournament ref will be on your side or not.

    1. I agree mate, i imagine it would only fly in a tournament setting with the organisers approval. It's not a bad move though. Protects the synapse.


    1. Relevance? If you want something, ask.

    2. since you posted.
      You tutorial is meh.

    3. Off-topic, rude and *your.

      Poor form.

  4. So I can shoot/assault an escape hatch, and all damage is done to the fortification?

    1. No idea. As I said in the post, I'm in Germany so can't check. Will break it all down once I'm back. What is your interpretation?

  5. There is currently no other scenario where an access point is not an actual part of the building/vehicle.
    It isnt defined if it is a part of the building or not.
    Personally, I would say that even though it is an upgrade, it can be targeted (similar to an emplaced weapon). Since it can be targeted, I would say that yes, synapse could be measured from the hatch as well as the main building.
